On April 12, 2018, COHRED, in collaboration with the Swiss Commission for Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) hosted COHRED Colloquium 5, an event that focused on the Research Fairness Initiative.
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Three main topics were discussed by participants:
1. Measuring Impact of the RFI – best measures for impact, best ways to communicate this, dealing with complexity
2. Governance of the RFI – moving from a ‘project’ to a globally accepted reporting standard
3. How can the RFI be improved – in general – and to support research funders in achieving their mission in funding global (health / development) research
There were 13 participants in total, from COHRED, KFPE, French IRD, UKCDS, UKRI, WHO/TDR, EUVADIS, the Zambian Mission for Europe and the Graduate Institute, Geneva.
A link to the Colloquium Report will be posted in the near future.
The colloquium was a productive day which aided COHRED in decision making regarding how to move forward with the RFI, and ensure that it can work towards becoming a global standard for improving fairness in research partnerships.
Many thanks to all who participated, and contributed to working towards a better future for the RFI as a tool.